EXE Jr. Releases Summer Short Film
The EXE Jr. Program, a program offered by Expressed Entertainment, just released their 2021 summer program short film entitled "Moves". The students adapted a piece of the feature length film by the same name. Making changes to the script and creating two alternative endings. The students were responsible for writing, story boarding, creating a mood board, filming, lighting, sound, editing and even online promotion and behind the scenes footage and video.
They had a private viewing for family and friends late August and then released it online to the public. The film is available from the EXE Jr. website for a donation to help build the program and service more students.
This was a great accomplishment for these young people and we are excited about what is to come from both our students and the program. Check out the trailer below and then please click the link below and be a part of this wonderful creative experience for our youth. You can learn more at www.exejr.com .
DONATE AND GET YOUR COPY NOW @ https://www.exejr.com/news